How we operate

IACCSEA is an association of member organisation s with common and shared interests in reducing NOx emissions from marine engines through selective catalytic reduction technologies.

IACCSEA’s General Assembly, held at least four times in a calendar year, sets our strategic and operational priorities and discusses progress and developments. Our work is led by our chairman, Dr Joseph McCarney, and guided by our president, Lord Deben. Each member organisation commits mutually agreed resources and knowledge in support of IACCSEA priorities and activities, and financially contributes via a membership fee.

We are collectively governed by our Charter and Constitution and comply with the provisions of EU Competition Law and similar laws in the EU Member States and other countries.

Day-to-day activities are managed by a dedicated secretariat, which is hosted by Sancroft, a leading sustainability consultancy.


Lord Deben


Dr Joseph McCarney


Mr. Benedict Greenway